We specialise in designing and delivering courses to meet the particular needs of professionals and organisations providing services in the Health & Social Care sector.
Since 2005 we have been providing training to improve the overall efficiency, effectiveness and expertise of staff in meeting legal requirements and developing best working practice.
Our training will help you to build a well informed and committed workforce which will, in turn, enhance the quality of life for people who use your services.
All our programmes are designed to empower people to recognise their assets, communicate more effectively, understand each other better and play to each others strengths.
Current popular courses include:
Care Act Awareness * Mental Capacity Act and DoLS
Dementia * Autism * Epilepsy * Sexuality & Personal Relationships * Sex Education *
Safeguarding Adults at Risk * Supporting People with Alcohol & Drug Dependancy Issues
* A Positive Approach to Distressed Behaviours.

What people say about us:
''The training surpassed any expectations I had.''
''The course was one of the most illuminating I have ever attended, well informed, fun and experiential...and so applicable to my role.'' (read more)
''A glimpse of how we all need to come alongside those we support to ensure they receive the opportunities and care they deserve.'' (read more)